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Lhasa: market sales reached 152.74 bln yuan during “two festivals”

By Zhu Shan Source:China Tibet News 2016年02月29日 17:41

According to the data from Lhasa's Commerce Bureau, 29 focal monitoring enterprises in Lhasa, capital of southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region, made 152.74 bln yuan in sales from Feb. 7 to 16, a year-on-year increase of 8.53%.

In order to ensure the sufficient supply of market, main business companies purchased bulk commodities and emphasized the quality, creating a convenient, safe and trustworthy consumption environment. Besides, during the period of “two festivals”, many businesses held promotional activities, which attracted many customers.

With the steady growth of customer markets, the supply of commodities exceeds demand. Tobacco, alcohol, health products and non-staple food are still chief goods on the market during festivals. In the field of catering business, family dinner, wedding banquet and special feast are still the mainstreams on the catering market.

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