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Metok to promote high-rankingcustomized tourist service

By Liu Fang Source:China Tibet News 2015年02月13日 17:14

Referring to the tourist pattern of Bhutan, Nyingchi’s Metok scenic spot will limit the quantity of travelers to the county and promote high-ranking customized tourist service since this year.

Metok County, in Nyingchi Prefecture, is located at the lower reaches of the Yarlung Zangbo River and at the eastern section of the Himalayas. Covering 3,400 square km, the Metok area descends steeply from north to south with environments changing from icy mountain slopes to tropical rainforests.

On Jun.10, 2014, Metok officially started selling tickets of its scenic spot which include area of the whole county. The price of each ticket is 160 yuan RMB. According to official statistic, Metok County has sold 20,200 tickets and the total tourism income has reached 21 million Yuan last year.

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