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Introduction of ancient prison Nangtse Sha in Lhasa

By Liu Fang Source:China Tibet News 2015-08-12

Nangtse Sha, at the Northern branch of Barkhor Street in Lhasa City, the capital of southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region, was built in the 17th century, dating back more than 300 years of history. It was originally a bunch of mansion belonging to Nangtse family from Doilungdeqen of Lhasa. The 5th Dalai Lama era Nangtse Sha changed from a mansion to the prison in the city of Lhasa, its first layer imprisoned felon, the second layer imprisoned minor offenders and female prisoner, and the third layer was the judicial department and the jailer's residence. The judge there was the fourth or fifth secular officials of the Kashag local government. In March 28, 1959, the State Council announced dissolution of the Kashag local government, thus the Nangtse Sha prison was officially closed. In1996, the government of southwest China’s Tibet Autonomous Region has designated Nangtse Sha as one of the major sites of regional level to be protected. In 1999, it has been designated by the government as a municipal patriotism education base in Lhasa City.

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