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Once upon a time in Tibet

Source:China Daily 2015-08-31


A monk blows a horn in a monastery before the beginning of of a religious ceremony in Tibet's Shetonmon county. [Photo/]


Darchen Kusheng ritual or erecting the prayer flags on the 15th of the Tibetan Losar New Year in Gyaltse county in March 2014. [Photo/]


A protector of wildlife in Tibet's Serling Tso Lake, in Palgong county.  [Photo/]


A nomadic woman makes butter tea in a black tent in Tibet's Qamdo city.  [Photo/]


A Tibetan farmer ploughing his field in Baishung town of Tibet's Shigatse City in the afternoon in spring 2013 to kick off the farming season of the year.  [Photo/]


A Tibetan couple are looking at the train passing in their hometown in Tsonk Lake in Tibet's Amdo county.  [Photo/]


Two old monks take a rest at Tibet's Tashilhunpo Monastery in 2005.  [Photo/]


Coppersmith make Buddha images by using traditional skills in Lhasa Ancient Architecture Art Co in Lhasa, Tibet.  [Photo/]

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