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Tibet Airlines opens 3 new routes

By Subrina Zhu Source:China Tibet News 2015-11-02

It is reported that Tibet Airlines launches three new routes on Oct 25. The first route connecting Lhasa, the capital of China’s Tibet Autonomous Region, with Lanzhou, Gansu Province and Shijia Zhuang, Hebei Province will be run every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, before which, there were no flights between Hebei Province and Tibet. The second flight linking Qamdo, the prefecture of China’s Tibet Autonomous Region with Chongqing Municipality and Tianjin Municipality. The third route running between Chongqing Municipality and Jinan, Shandong Province. Currently, Tibet Airlines has 31 flight routes in total.

Tibet Airlines, the first airline company in Tibet, launched its first flight in 2011, which already covered all five airports in Tibet. Until now, flights between Tibet and major inland cities such as Beijing, Chengdu, Shanghai and Shenzhen has already transported about 4.41 million people, meaning it becomes an important impetus for the development of Tibet.

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