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Tibet Cultural Tourism Creative Park to become the integrated travel destination

By Subrina Zhu Source:China Tibet News 2015年12月02日 17:26

Lhasa, the capital of southwest China’s Tibet Autonomous Region, is the holy city with an history of over 1,300 years. Boasting long historical legends, rich religious culture and colorful folk craft, Lhasa tourism displays its magnificent and all-embracing mien, making tourists around the world be overpowered with her beauty deeply and be crazy about her.

In the recent years, with the building of some big cultural tourism projects, Lhasa becomes more popular among tourists.

In September 2012, Lhasa Municipal Government and the Communist Party of Lhasa entrusted China City Designing Studying Institute Shanhai Branch to the planning work of China’s Tibetan cultural tourism creative park. Until now, this plan has already been completed and modified according to the related requirements. In 2013, the construction of the theater of play “ Princess Wencheng ” were finished in this park.

Tibet Cultural Tourism Creative Park, located in Tsejoling, covers an area of 8.1 square kilometers. The construction of this park is based on the Tibetan culture. Besides, it also provides rich cultural tourism products and services’ facilities. This park is the new mark of Lhasa’s unique Tibetan culture.

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