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Public bicycles to be used in Nyignchi of Tibet

By Zhu Shan Source:China Tibet News 2015-12-08

Recently, Nyingchi, southwest China’s Tibet Autonomous Region, plans to build 5  public bicycle stands. It is estimated that there will be 120 bikes for citizens to use in January of next year.

Niu Changcheng, director of Nyingchi Transport Company, said that with the development of economy in Nyingchi, the number of population, cars and houses are increasing greatly, which causes the serious traffic congestion that has harmed our health and the local environment. Therefore, urbanites are encouraged to opt for public transport, or even bicycles. Riding bikes is not only benefit for health but also convenient for traveling. It is faster, more convenient and more environmentally friendly by bike.

Schemes by local authorities to encourage people to use bikes are popping up across the country. For renting a bike, one needs a smart card. One can rent a bike and return it at any station. The system is of great help to relieve the traffic congestion in Nyingchi. The first five bicycle stands will be build in five different places having a large number of people, such as schools, shopping malls and parks.

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