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Top 10 must-see attractions in Tibet(2) 2015-12-21

NO.6 Former site of Guge

Now in present-day Zanda County in western Tibet, Guge was an ancient kingdom founded by a branch of descendents of the last king of a unified Tibet in the 10th century. It flourished for more than 700 years before encountering civil strife and foreign attacks and falling into disrepair. Now, visitors can see its ruins of temples and palaces, whose inscriptions, statues and murals still remain intact. The city wall with fortresses at each corner is also still standing.

Admission: 105 yuan

NO.5 Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon

The Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon is one of the deepest and longest canyons in the world. The Yarlung Zangpo River starts at Mount Kailash before reaching the juncture of Mainling and Medog counties, where it swerves around towering Namjagbarwa, the highest peak in the eastern section of the Himalayas, carving a U-shaped gorge. The canyon is home to many animals and plants barely explored and affected by human influence, while its climate ranges from subtropical to Arctic.

Admission: 150 yuan (April 21-Oct.19); 75 yuan (Oct 20- April 20)

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