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Chengguan District’s tourist revenue reached nearly 2 bln yuan

By Zhu Shan Source:China Tibet News 2015-12-23

It is reported from Travel Bureau of Chengguan District in Lhasa, the capital of southwest China’s Tibet Autonomous Region that Chengguan District has welcomed 9.5 million tourists in 2015, generating about 2 billion yuan in tourist revenue. All tourism- economic indicators climbed to a record high.

The year of 2015 has witnessed rich results in Chengguan District’ s tourism industry. Thanks to the constant development of Lhasa’s tourism industry and the improvement of tourist infrastructures, tourism in Chengguan District gets good opportunities for prosperity. Besides, with the growth of rural tourism, leisure travel and family hotels develop quickly. Reception indicators in tourism market are on the rise.

Travel Bureau of Chengguan District committed to setting up a new travel image. Based on the comprehensive travel planning, “Hospital Tibetan ”, a project having an investment of more than 96,000 yuan, cooperated with a gaggle of travel agencies.

What’s more, Travel Bureau of Chengguan District managed to improve the quality of travel quality and standardize tourism market. The information of liaisons dealing with tourism in Chengguan District was completed. Besides, with an investment of about 142,000 yuan, 20 tourist signs were set up. In addition to the beautiful appearance, it is also quiet useful and convenient for the tourists to know more about the tourism information. Firstly, on the right side of the light box, it shows the tourist map, routes and traffic information. On the other side, there are scrolling information of scenic spots and Tibetan culture. Secondly, all the information on the light box is written in three languages-Tibetan, Chinese and English, which is pretty convenient for the tourists from home and abroad.

In 2015, Travel Bureau of Chengguan District held a series of activities such as the first Picking Nectarine Festival and publicized Chengguan District’s tourism image, which were acclaimed by citizens and tourists. In addition, it also joint domestic big tourism promotions, showing Chengguan District’s unique resources, customs and culture.

As the goal of building the “ World Tourist Destination”, Chengguan District strikes to the scheme of developing ecotourism and promotes the sustainable development of tourism industry.

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