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Shannan carries out the ramp-up promotion of tourism

By Zhu Shan Source:China Tibet News 2016-01-12

For increasing the impact and publicity of Shannan tourism, Shannan Prefecture, southwest China’s Tibet Autonomous Region, cooperates with television media, Internet media and transportation media to ramp up the promotion of tourism.

Television media
With the promotion of XZTV, advertisement of Shannan tourism is broadcast two times after “Tibet News”. Besides, through the media company, propaganda film of Shannan tourism is shown on star-hotels and high-grade residential quarter. Even on TV in the subway of Wuhan, the capital of Hubei Province, Shanna tourism propaganda film has been repeated displayed, strengthening the publicity efforts.

Internet media
Tourism information of Shanna Prefecture will be prefect on the Internet. With the promotion on some famous tourism websites, the tourism resources of Shannan Prefecture are publicized and introduced in an all-round way, greatly improving the popularity and reputation of Shannan tourism. Moreover, thanks to We Medias such as the public WeChat, microblog, more and more people obtain tourism information of Shanna Prefecture timely.

Transportation media
Propaganda film of Shannan tourism has been shown on mobile medias such as buses in Lhasa, the capital of southwest China’s Tibet Autonomous Region. Besides, 1.2 million boarding checks printed propaganda image of Shanna Prefecture will be made.

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