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Lhasa sees record number of tourists in 2015

By Zhu Shan Source:China Tibet News 2016-01-14

It is reported from Tourism Bureau of Lhasa that Lhasa, the capital of southwest China’s Tibet Autonomous Region, has welcomed 11.79 tourists in 2015, generating 15.49 billion yuan in tourism revenue.

On the first half of 2015, Lhasa launched the new tourism project---vising Tibetan family, through which tourists could experience the Tibetan culture in depth. Besides, as the coming of Tibetan New Year Festival, tasting “Gutu” ( a kind of dough drops ), learning how to make buttered tea, walking around the Jokhang Temple and other tourist routes were launched, greatly promoting winter tourism market in Lhasa.

During the summer vacation, a lot of Tibetan characteristic tour routes launched by Tibet tourism sectors, a good chance for tourists to enjoy the beautiful plateau scenery and charm of Tibetan culture. Besides, festivals such as Shoton Festival, Tibet Tourism and Culture Exposition and live show of “Princess Wen Cheng” attract many tourists from both home and abroad.

By 2020, there will be 240 million tourists coming to Lhasa, generating 29.8 billion yuan in tourism revenue. Besides, Lhasa will become the only one International tourist cultural city on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

Lhasa, the capital of southwest China’s Tibet Autonomous Region, is one of 24 famous historic and cultural cities declared by China State Council. Lhasa boasts 269 cultural relics protection units at all levels, in which the Potala Palace, Jokhang Temple and Norbulingka are listed as World Cultural Heritage sites. In 13th Five-Year Plan, Lhasa strives to apply for World Heritage.

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