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Lhasa to be the International tourist cultural city

Source:China Tibet News 2016-01-14

It is reported from Conference on Tourism Development held in Lhasa, the capital of southwest China’s Tibet Autonomous Region that by 2020, the indicator in tourism industry of Lhasa will double the 2015 figures. Lhasa will reach the developed tourist countries' level in terms of tourism scope, service quality and comprehensive benefit, becoming the only one International tourists cultural city on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

Constantly increasing the investment in tourism industry, Lhasa will accelerate the infrastructure projects, build tourist center, expand investment and financing channels, develop high-end tourism brands and set up intelligent tourism system. In 13th Five-year plan, the investment of road, airport, scenic spots and boutique hotels will reach 100 billion yuan.

In addition, Lhasa promotes the building of tourism regional Internet infrastructure and “tourism plus Internet”.

Lhasa, the capital of southwest China’s Tibet Autonomous Region, is one of 24 famous historic and cultural cities declared by China State Council. Lhasa boasts 269 cultural relics protection units at all levels, in which the Potala Palace, Jokhang Temple and Norbulingka are listed as World Cultural Heritage sites. In 13th Five-Year Plan, Lhasa strives to apply for World Heritage.

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