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Tibet to build the barrier-free travel zone

By Zhu Shan Source:China Tibet News 2016-02-29


Photo shows that tourists are taking photos in the Namtso Lake scenic spot.

In barrier-free travel zone, a series of tourism facilities provide travel enterprises and tourists coming from other cities a lot of conveniences. On the basis of keeping regions' autonomy relatively intact, the cooperation of tourism economy among regions will be reached by dismantling barriers to the utmost.
According to the Tourism Development Committee of Tibet Autonomous Region, the National Tourism Administration held the work of building national all-region tourist demonstration areas in order to accelerate the tourism transformation from the mode of scenic spot tourism to all-region tourism. After voluntary applications by local governments and experts’ evaluation, Tibet’s Lhasa and Nyingchi are among the 262 areas across China planned as all-region tourist demonstrations.
Lhasa, as the capital of southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region, is an old city with a history of more than 1,300 years. It is one of the first 24 famous historical and cultural Chinese cities. Except for the famous scenic spots, like Potala Palace, Jokhang Monastery, Drepung Monastery and so on, there are more than 200 ancient temples and places of interests.
Nyinchi, located in the southeast of China's Tibet Autonomous Region, is called “Jiangnan in Tibet” and “Switzerland of Tibet”. It boasts pleasant climate, rich water resources and intoxicating scenery.
All-region tourism means they will carry out the overall layout, comprehensive management and integrative promotion in a certain area as an entire region. Through this way, tourism achieves great development, realizing co-construction, coordination and sharing among all regions. Developing all-region tourism is the need of implementing new development ideas, adapting the development of the new tourism situation and following innate rules of tourism development. It is also the integral requirements of transforming the tourism development mode and tickets economy. All-region tourism is the effective way for optimizing the space allocation of tourism and breaking a new path in developing tourism.
On the 13th Five-Year Plan, making full use of its unique natural conditions, cultural environment and rich tourism resources, Tibet will promote exquisite tourism routes and build the barrier-free travel zone. With the upgrading and transforming of tourism industry, all Tibet’s scenic spots above 3A Level will be accessible with tarmac roads. Moreover, at the end of 13th Five-Year Plan, Tibet strives to receive more than 30 million tourists, generating 55 billion yuan in tourism revenue.   

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