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Qomolangma Museum to be built in Dingri

By Zhu Shan Source:China Tibet News 2016-05-26

It is reported that Qomolangma Museum started construction on May 18 morning. The building of Qomolangma Museum is the first time for China's Tibet to have the museum themed as the culture of Qomolangma.


Photo shows the effect chart of Qomolangma Museum.

In recent years, as the increasing number of tourists to Tibet, Dingri's tourism develops rapidly. Tourists to Dingri can not only enjoy the beautiful scenery of Mt. Qomolangma and Karmagou but also experience the unique national traditional culture. Dingari County People’s Government decided to build Qomolangma Museum in order to protect the local unique national traditional culture and promote the ecological improvement and cultural tourism. On the 40th International Museum Day, Qomolangma Museum started construction in Dingri County.

With and investment of 41.85 million yuan (about 6.4 million U.S. dollars), Qomolangma Museum occupies an area of 21,778 square meters in total, which will be Dingri's biggest county-level museum.

Tourist to Qomolangma Museum can experience the culture of Mt. Qomolangma as well as know more about the local habit, customs and traditional clothes.

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