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Qinghai-Tibet Railway promotes development of plateau

By Zhu Shan Source:China Tibet News 2016-06-24

Qinghai-Tibet Railway, a key project of national western development strategy, breaks Tibet's long-term transport bottleneck.

Since Qinghai-Tibet Railway began operation in 2016, Tibet has formed a three-dimensional transportation pattern including railway, highway and aviation. Besides, tourism on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is thriving. Tibetan medicine, Tibetan delicacy and Tibetan handicrafts are transported to the other provinces of China and are known to more people. Meanwhile, a lot of tourists go to Lhasa by train and experience  beautiful scenery, unique culture and history.

Qinghai-Tibet Railway drives the economic development of places along the line and enhances people's living standard. At present, there are almost 30 trains running on the Qinghai-Tibet Railway every day. The annual average number of tourists going in and out of Tibet is 9,100, promoting Tibet's tertiary industry. People living along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway make use of railway's transportation and open family inns which provide the accommodation with Tibetan features for tourists. It brings not only economic benefits but also a colorful life for local herdsmen.

With features of safety, convenience and comfort, Qinghai-Tibet Railway links Tibet with China's other places more closely and plays and important role in developing Tibet's economy.

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