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New air routes opened during the summer vacation

By Zhi Xinghua Source:China Tibet News 2016年07月11日 11:18

In July, more and more tourists from home and abroad begin to travel to Lhasa in the peak tourist season. At the same time, students studying in cities outside Tibet also return home in the summer vacation. As people coming to Tibet increases greatly, the prices of air tickets also rise correspondently. To deal with this situation, some new air routes are opened to offer attentive services to tourists.

It is said that a new air route from Guangzhou to Lhasa will be opened on July 9 by China Southern Airlines during the summer vacation. In addition, the air route from Guangzhou to Nyingchi will be reopened for two to three flights every week.

In recent days, the ticket quantity from Beijing to Lhasa is few and the one-way fare is about 3000 yuan. The ticket quantity from Guangzhou to Lhasa is also very few and the one-way fare is about 2600 yuan. 

The daily flights TV9823/24 Chengdu-Lhasa-Chengdu and TV9815/16 Lhasa-Beijing-Lhasa is newly opened, which can provide more choices for tourists. In addition, the flight from Guiyang to Zhengzhou will be opened on July 10 by Tibet Airlines and the lowest fare is 199 yuan from July 7 to July 14.

According to the Civil Aviation Department of Tibet Autonomous Region, 6 new air routes will be opened this year. The flight from Lhasa to Shenzhen is changed as Lhasa-Chengdu-Shenzhen. The newly added air routes mainly stopped by Chengdu or Chongqing, which can ease Chengdu and Chongqing's traffic pressure to some extent.

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