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​Tibet witnesses 11.72 mln tourists in first seven months

By Zhu Shan Source:China Tibet News 2016年08月31日 21:34

It is reported from the Tourism Development Commission of Tibet Autonomous Region that China’s Tibet has received 11.72 million tourists from January to July, generating 16.26 billion yuan in tourism revenue.

Currently, tourism industry has become the key way for creating jobs and increasing income. It is also an important platform to show Tibet’s economic and social progress. Until to the end of 2015, there are almost 200 tourism companies in Tibet, with a total 20 billion yuan in fixed asset. During the period of “12th Five-Year Plan”, Tibet’s welcomed 67.9 tourists, totalling 87.46 billion yuan in tourism avenue.

Tibet aims to attract 30 million tourists at the end of “13th Five-Year Plan” and creates 500,000 jobs in tourism industry.

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