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Tibet's scenic spots offer free visit to medics and police

By Liu Fang, Zhu Shan Source:China Tibet News 2020年03月13日 10:15

Scenic spots in southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region have granted free admission of tourist attractions to medical workers and police officers all over the country (including those from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) in this year, which is a way to express the appreciation for their effort during the COVID-19 period.

Medical workers and police officers could apply for free admission with their vocational certificates or proof of employment at the tourist centers of scenic spots.

Tibet Tourism Co., Ltd and Lhasa Potala Tourism Cultural Group Co., Ltd also open their scenic spots free of charge to them.

In addition to tourist attractions, medical workers and police officers could also enjoy free entry to the historical plays "Princess Wencheng" and "Jincheng Princess", and free accommodation and dining coupons in Naicang Hotel.

Those who enjoy free-entry policy need to follow the public Wechat account "Zhiyou Xizang" (meaning smart tourism in Tibet), finishing booking three days in advance with their vocational certificates, then apply for free admission at designated service centers.

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