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Tibetan incense well protected and inherited

By Zhi Xinghua Source:China Tibet News 2018-06-25

Tibetan incense has a history of over 1300 years. Thonmi Sambhota, inventor of Tibetan incense, also translated Buddhist scriptures. Tongba Village, the hometown of Thonmi Sambhota, is now the largest production base of Tibetan incense.

Tibetan incense culture is constantly enriched and matured with all kinds of incense products, including medicinal incense, water incense, and incense utensils.


A worker is kneading the mixture of Tibetan incense materials. [Photo provided by Tenzin Gexi who is the 14th inheritor of the Nimutun·Manzhong Family]


Tenzin Gexi is adding highland barley wine into medicinal materials. [Photo provided by Tenzin Gexi who is the 14th inheritor of the Nimutun·Manzhong Family]


A worker is binding up dried Tibetan incenses. [China Tibet News/Zheng Lu]

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