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Tibetan furniture: fascinating colorful patterns

By Zhi Xinghua Source:China Tibet News 2019-09-16


A Tibetan furniture maker is drawing on the finished furniture. [China Tibet News/Tsewang, Tang Bin]


An old man is cleaning the Tibetan furniture at his home. [China Tibet News/Tsewang, Tang Bin]

The cold plateau climate and harsh living environment create the brave and resolute character of Tibetan people and form a unique culture. As a traditional Chinese furniture, Tibetan furnitureis eye-catching.

Tibetan furniture, full of mysterious gorgeous decoration and primitive modeling, has now become a fashionable boutique pursued by the people. For enthusiasts, Tibetan furniture is not only a practical product, but also a cultural symbol.

Profound historical culture

Tibet has a long history and culture, and Tibetan furniture is mostly covered by gorgeous colored drawing and pattern, which records historical legends, making these furniture have rich stories.

In the past, Tibetan furniture is a symbol of wealth and passed on from generation to generation. It is only in recent decades that traditional and exquisite Tibetan furniture has entered ordinary people's homes.In Tibet, Tibetan furniture can be divided into three categories, namely, boxes, cabinets and tables.

Unique color symbols

With special meaning in Tibetan culture, red, yellow, blue, green, and white are the most commonly used colorsof traditional Tibetan furniture. Red symbolizes courage and justice, and is the color of the robes of Tibetan Buddhist monks; Yellow symbolizes harvest and hope, and is the color of the earth and the sun; Blue symbolizes wisdom and serenity, and is the color of the sky and the lake; Green symbolizes life and virtues, and is the color of grassland and trees; White symbolizes purity and good luck, and is the color of wool and snowy mountains. It should also be mentioned is gold, which symbolizes wealth and dignity, and is a color that is not easy to get. And because of the influence of hierarchy, gold in Tibet is also seen as the highest level of color. Using gold on traditional Tibetan furniture can add attraction to the room.

Entering the homes of ordinary people

Tibetan masses will be proud of having a set of exquisite Tibet furniture such as table, cabinet, bed and so on.

Due to the specific geographical distribution rules of Tibet, forests are mainly distributed in the humid areas in southeast Tibet and the southern slope of the Himalayas. In the past, due to the lack of timber on the plateau, poor transportation and backward economy, fine Tibetan furniture is only available to high level monks, aristocrats and the upper classes. Now, with social progress, the ordinary masses can buy Tibetan furniture.

Also Favored by Han people

Citizen Zhang Li says that she is going to get married this year. After comparing Chinese style furniture and Tibetan furniture, she thinks that Tibetan furniture is more beautiful. Besides, Tibetan furniture can be customized to suit the size of each family according to the building area.

Drolkar, the owner of a Tibetanfurniture store, says proudly that Tibetan furniture is more and more popular among Han people. "Many Han people will come to the store to see Tibetan furniture. All solid wood is the biggest characteristic of Tibetan furniture," says Drolkar.

Tibet, a place full of mystery, has the most beautiful sunshine in the world. People here are happy and satisfied. Here, apart from Tibetan furniture, there are also a lot of graceful and beautiful things, attracting more and more people.

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