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Exercise Firepower - 2015 Sanjie A kicks off

Source:Xinhua 2015-09-18


A PTL-02 wheeled tank destroyer fires its main gun during the Exercise Firepower-2015 Sanjie A. The wheeled tank destroyer is assigned to a mountain brigade of the PLA Tibet Military Command (MC). The "Firepower-2015 Sanjie A" trans-Military Area Command (MAC) exercise kicks off in the Sanjie training base, east China's Anhui province, on Sept. 15, 2015. (Source: China Military Online)


Two soldiers load a round before firing a portable mortar during the Exercise Firepower-2015 Sanjie A. The two soldiers are assigned to a mountain brigade of the PLA Tibet Military Command (MC). The "Firepower-2015 Sanjie A" trans-Military Area Command (MAC) exercise kicks off in the Sanjie training base, east China's Anhui province, on Sept. 15, 2015. (Source: China Military Online)

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