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Chinese state councilor calls for improved social guarantees in Xizang

Source:Xinhua 2024-07-04

BEIJING, July 3 (Xinhua) -- Chinese State Councilor Shen Yiqin called for efforts to improve social services and guarantees during an investigation and research tour in southwest China's Xizang Autonomous Region.

During the three-day tour, which ended on Tuesday, Shen visited the regional capital of Lhasa, as well as Nyingchi. She stressed the need to promote the social security system and strengthen basic livelihood protection for people living in poverty.

She underscored the importance of refining the elderly care system and social assistance for children in need to ensure the well-being of all generations.

Shen also emphasized the importance of enhancing digitalized government services at the grassroots level to improve the effectiveness of services for people in Xizang.

It is essential to prioritize the improvement of people's livelihoods and rally public support for the region's civil affairs work, thereby creating a strong sense of community in the Chinese nation, she said. 

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