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Ambassador of Nepal to China:Cooperation and mutual understanding are the cornerstones of bilateral relations

By Liu Fang, Zhi Xinghua, Xue Ying, Zhang Siyu 2024-07-07

“Cooperation and mutual understanding are the cornerstones of our trouble-free bilateral relations.” Bishnu Pukar Shrestha, Ambassador of Nepal to China, said on the Fourth China Xizang Trans-Himalaya Forum for International Cooperation, "The theme of the forum resonates deeply with Nepal's core values and aspirations for achieving prosperity and enhancing the quality of life of our people.”

In Bishnu Pukar Shrestha's speech, he reiterated the significance of the collaboration, partnerships and cooperation. “By fostering spirit of cooperation, we can ensure that the fruits of development are shared equitably, paving a path for a harmonious and sustainable future.”

Talking of Nepal's friendship with China, he said that the two countries being connected by mountains, and the people across these mountains sharing similar cultures and lifestyles. This shared heritage serves as a strong foundation for deepening the bonds and working together to achieve common goals.

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