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Jiangsu Traditional Chinese Medicine Goes Global: Embarking on a Journey Across the World

Source:交汇点新闻 2024-07-19



Opening Remarks:


Jiangsu province, known for its rich cultural heritage and renowned physicians, has long been a hub for TCM. In Suzhou's Wumen, Changzhou's Menghe, Huai'an's Shenyang, and Jiangyin's Longsha, TCM practitioners have safeguarded the health of the local people through traditional methods like observation, diagnosis, herbal remedies, and acupuncture.


To introduce Jiangsu's TCM culture to the world, the Jiangsu Provincial Cyberspace Administration and the Jiangsu Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, in collaboration with Xinhua Daily Media Group, are launching the "Jiangsu TCM Goes Global" series. This initiative includes a TCM caravan, which will travel overseas to share the essence of TCM through various media platforms.


From the Mediterranean islands to the distant African continent, and onward to Europe's cultural capitals, Jiangsu TCM will bring a "fragrant" touch of traditional medicine. This initiative aims to foster global growth and integration of TCM culture.

品药膳茶饮、学打八段锦、现场把脉义诊……7月中旬,由江苏省委网信办、江苏省中医药管理局指导,新华日报社主办,新华日报社健康传媒中心承办的“苏中医·行世界”系列活动之中医大篷车海外全媒体行动正式起航。首站马耳他,当地居民“沉浸式”感受中医魅力,体验神奇的传统中医药文化。中国(江苏)第19期援马耳他医疗队分别在马耳他锡杰维养老中心(Siggiewi Day Centre)和比尔古市开展中医养生讲座和药膳茶饮以及中医义诊和养生八段锦教学活动,吸引了马耳他不同年龄阶段居民的热情参与。

In the middle of July, the TCM caravan kicked off its overseas media campaign in Malta. Residents of Malta were immersed in the charm of TCM, experiencing its mystical traditions firsthand. The 19th China (Jiangsu) Medical Team to Malta held wellness lectures and TCM demonstrations at the Siggiewi Day Centre and Birgu, attracting enthusiastic local participants of all ages. The activities included tasting herbal teas and medicinal foods, learning the Baduanjin, and receiving free TCM consultations and treatments.



First Stop: Malta

"Learn Baduanjin, Live to 108!"


The Siggiewi Elderly Care Center in Malta served as the first stop for the "TCM Caravan Around the World" initiative, part of the global multimedia campaign promoting TCM. Feng Hua, the leader of the 19th Chinese (Jiangsu) Medical Team assisting Malta, gave a lecture titled "Health Maintenance Through TCM Acupressure," where he demonstrated the acupressure points Hegu and Zusanli. Using straightforward language, he provided a detailed introduction to TCM acupressure techniques, guiding participants on how to locate these points and explaining the benefits of acupressure, gua sha, and other TCM practices for both treatment and health maintenance.


The event saw enthusiastic participation from residents, who actively engaged by listening, learning, and asking questions. The lively atmosphere was further enriched by the sampling of ume tea and mung bean cakes prepared by the medical team, giving attendees a taste of TCM. Concepts like "dampness elimination" and "fire reduction" in TCM were particularly fascinating to them. In a concluding activity, the medical team and local seniors made herbal mosquito-repellent sachets together.

冯骅表示,此次中医大篷车活动,同时也是中国医疗队应马耳他卫生及老年事务国务秘书马尔科姆·加利亚(Malcolm Paul Agius Galea)之邀,开展的“关爱银龄——中医马耳他健康行”系列活动之一,旨在让马耳他老年群体掌握中医养生保健知识,同时也向民众宣传博大精深的中医药文化。近期,中医大篷车还将开进其他各市养老中心,让中医的健康养生知识、技能和理念惠及更多老年人,真正做到以医为媒,促进中马民心相通。

Feng Hua stated that this TCM Caravan event is part of the "Caring for the Elderly - TCM Health Tour in Malta" series, organized at the invitation of Malcolm Paul Agius Galea, Malta's Secretary of State for Health and Elderly Affairs. The initiative aims to equip the elderly population in Malta with knowledge about TCM health maintenance while also promoting the profound culture of traditional Chinese medicine. In the coming days, the TCM Caravan will visit other elderly care centers across Malta, spreading TCM health concepts, skills, and practices to more seniors, and fostering deeper connections between the people of China and Malta through medical exchange.


Dr. Galea stated that the contributions of the Chinese medical team to Malta’s healthcare sector and its patients are invaluable, reflecting the deep friendship between the two countries. TCM has shown excellent efficacy in treating illnesses and maintaining health among the elderly. He looks forward to the medical team's TCM promotion activities in various elderly care centers throughout Malta, ensuring more seniors benefit from these initiatives.


In Birgu, the TCM Caravan event was equally impressive. The medical team engaged with local communities, offering free blood pressure and blood sugar measurements, explaining dietary restrictions, and providing medication advice while educating residents on daily TCM health maintenance. Using techniques such as gua sha, auricular acupressure, and moxibustion, they treated patients with neck and shoulder pain, as well as gastrointestinal discomfort. They also distributed free TCM patches to residents. The Baduanjin Qigong exercises attracted enthusiastic participants of all ages.


"Thank the doctor for the treatment. She used a small tool to scrape for a while, and now I can move my neck normally," exclaimed Karen Vincenti, delighted to have her stiff neck cured.


"I heard from my friends that the patches from the TCM center are very effective for joint pain. I want to see if they can help with my knee pain," said Ivan Vella, who was using a cane.


"I'm already 88 years old. If I learn Baduanjin, can I hope to live to 108?" Manuel Caruana's humorous remark made everyone burst into laughter.


Feng Hua explained that the medical team acts both as "clinic doctors" and "home-visit doctors." The team members use their time outside of regular clinical duties to provide free TCM medical services within the community. This not only offers convenient health services to the local people of Malta, showcasing the medical team's dedication and compassion but also promotes and popularizes TCM health care knowledge, subtly enhancing the Maltese people's recognition and appreciation of TCM culture."



The Bond of TCM Between Two Lands:

On the Mediterranean Coast, the Blossoms Have Flourished for 31 Years


Malta, located in the central Mediterranean 90 kilometers south of Italy's Sicily, is known as the "Heart of the Mediterranean." On July 31, 1993, the first medical team to assist Malta officially departed from China. As of this year, Jiangsu Province has dispatched 19 medical teams to Malta. Unlike other overseas medical missions, the teams assisting Malta are primarily composed of successive generations of TCM practitioners from Jiangsu.


Chen Guihua, Commercial Counsellor at the Chinese Embassy in Malta, highlighted that medical cooperation between China and Malta continues to deepen and expand. Over 31 years, 19 batches of Chinese medical teams have treated over 250,000 patients, earning the trust of the Maltese government and people.


Over the past three decades, acupuncture, massage, and other TCM practices have gained widespread acceptance among the Maltese populace. Patients come not only from Malta but also from Italy, France, Portugal, Spain, the UK, Hungary, and other European countries, along with enthusiasts seeking professional TCM training.


As members of the "TCM Caravan," the Jiangsu medical team aiding Malta will continue to conduct health lectures, free clinics, and other activities across Malta, spreading knowledge of TCM health practices. Jiangsu's traditional Chinese medicine will bring a scent of healing worldwide, integrating TCM culture into local lives and contributing to the health of the Maltese people.


Today, Jiangsu has established TCM exchange and cooperation relationships with over ten countries and regions, with TCM centers established in Oceania, Europe, the Americas, and Asia. Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine and Jiangsu Provincial Hospital were selected as the first batch of TCM service export bases. As health concepts and medical models evolve, TCM exchange and cooperation have made significant contributions to improving the health and well-being of people worldwide.

新华日报·交汇点记者 安莹 杨彦

*By An Ying and Yang Yan, Xinhua Daily*

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