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(W.E. Talk) Former Ethiopian Minister: Chinese people always stand with African people

By Guan Na, Wei Chenxi 2024-09-16

(ECNS) -- The Global South is collaborating to embrace modernization, and in this process, China has taken on a pioneering role, said Solomon Tesfaye Telila, former Minister of Cooperation in Ethiopian Embassy in China. Ye Hailin, dean of China-Africa Institute, also expressed his belief that the cooperation between China and Africa has set an example for other countries in the Global South to follow.

The 2024 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) concluded in Beijing on September 6. It is the largest diplomatic event China has hosted in recent years, with the highest attendance of foreign leaders. It marks a significant reunion between the world's largest developing country and the continent that is home to the largest number of developing countries.

The 2024 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) opens in Beijing's Great Hall of the People, Sept. 5, 2024. (Photo: China News Service/Tian Yuhao)

As China and Africa elevate their relations to a new height, Telila and Ye Hailin joined China News Service in W.E.Talk, sharing their insights on deepening China-Africa cooperation and their opinions on the future of China-Africa relations including the impact of Chinese modernization on Africa.

Chinese modernization encourages Africa's modernization

"The Global South is currently operating with one another to undergo modernity, and in this modernization, China has indicated a pioneering role," said Telila.

To him, the realization of modernization is the universal pursuit of all countries in the world, and the Chinese modernization has ignited the confidence of all countries to achieve modernization.

According to Ye, China's participation in Africa's modernization process is tangible. Its investment and trade with Africa and the construction of the "Belt and Road Initiative" have continuously provided momentum for Africa's modernization efforts. On the other hand, the five major characteristics of Chinese modernization perfectly align with Africa's needs, offering an inspiring example for the continent.

Furthermore, some approaches and methods China has adopted to promote its modernization can provide valuable insights for African nations. "They are learning from China's experience, particularly in green economy, clean energy and rural vitalization," Ye said. 

From 2014 to 2023, China had established 24 agricultural technology demonstration centers and popularized more than 300 advanced agricultural technologies in Africa , benefiting over 1 million farmers across the continent.

Sino-African cooperation sets an example for the Global South

Over the past 24 years since the establishment of FOCAC, Chinese companies have helped African countries build or upgrade more than 10,000 km of railways, nearly 100,000 km of highways, roughly 1,000 bridges, almost 100 ports and 66,000 km of power transmission and distribution lines, all of which have created arteries of connectivity across the African continent.

Telila believes that FOCAC is the best platform to promote Global South cooperation, adding "The Chinese higher leadership in ensuring the global south modernity is impressive and exemplary, and we have to strengthen it."

"Ethiopia has been actively exploring the road of modernization and self-improvement since the end of the 19th century. In recent years, the country has maintained rapid economic growth and is one of the most economically dynamic countries in Africa," Telila noted. He held the view that cooperation between China and Africa is essential to ensure this modernization process.

Ye also believes that China-Africa cooperation sets an example for other countries in the Global South. "It has a very important strategic significance, which is conducive to restructuring the global landscape and ultimately to the establishment of a more just and rational new international political and economic order."

Fruits of cooperation will benefit Chinese and African people 

At the FOCAC, Chinese President Xi Jinping announced the ten partnership actions for China and Africa to jointly promote modernization, fully demonstrating China's sincere willingness to help African countries develop further.

Telila said the ten partnership actions focus on the well-being of the Chinese and African people, and it is essential to learn from each other's experiences, whether in cultural development or national governance.

He also believes that the actions are very important to strengthen the relationship between the Chinese and African people and will provide a brilliant future for the development of Sino-Africa relationship.

"Among them, the partnership action for connectivity will support the implementation of 30 infrastructure connectivity projects in Africa," said Telila. He stressed that the ten partnership actions will also support Africa in achieving sustainable agricultural development, build a China-Africa agricultural modernization cooperation network, and bring more development benefits to the Chinese and African people.

Ye outlined his understanding of the ten partnership actions from three perspectives.

Firstly, they are very specific, giving people a clear sense that these actions are about getting things done.

Secondly, they cover all aspects of the modernization drive, taking into account the common needs of China and Africa. They are practical and comprehensive.

Thirdly, they have far-reaching strategic significance, which affects not only China and Africa, but will also have a significant impact on the global pattern.

The inauguration ceremony for the first phase of the Lagos Rail Mass Transit Red Line is held at Ikeja station in Lagos, Nigeria, Feb. 29, 2024. (Photo / Provided by China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation)

The Chinese people always stand with the African people

As an African proverb goes: A friend is someone you share the path with. President Xi said in his keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the FOCAC, explaining the roots of the everlasting Sino-African relations and the fundamentals of Sino-African cooperation.

"Joy shared with others are more enjoyed," Ye said, "This saying is similar to 'A friend is someone you share the path with' , which shows that modernization has world significance."

Ye noted that in China's targeted poverty alleviation efforts, the concept of "no one must be left behind" is also mentioned. "It is a humanistic spirit that has long existed in China," he said.

Telila was impressed by the African proverb Xi quoted, saying it not only demonstrates the style of his leadership, but also conveys the firm determination of Chinese and African people to join hands to march toward modernization, and the willingness to do their utmost to support and lead the Global South toward modernization.

In Telila's view, true friends will accompany each other all the way through thick and thin. "The Chinese people have always stood with the African people, and we regard Chinese as true friends," he concluded.

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