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China's Xizang sees significant growth in the coverage rate of high-quality livestock breeds 2025-02-14



In recent years, animal husbandry research system of China's Xizang has accelerated the technology research and integrated application of purebred selection and hybrid improvement for yaks, Tibetan sheep and Tibetan pigs. Currently, the region boasts 17 high-quality breeding bases dedicated to improved breeds of yaks and Tibetan sheep, along with 3 national-level new breeds, namely the "Shangshung Semi-fine Wool Sheep," "Snow-land White Chicken," and "White Cashmere Goat." The coverage rate of high-quality yak breed has been increased from 25 percent in 2015 to 38 percent in 2022. 

Photo: Xinhua

Editor: Zhang Qi, Tenzin Seldron

Translator: Tenzin Seldron, Jia Dan

Review: Drakpa Wangchen, Zhang Qi

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