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8 billion yuan put into Tibet’s education over 3 decades

By Subrina Zhu Source:China Tibet News 2015-12-08

It is reported from the Education Department of Tibet Autonomous Region that since 1985 China has covered all tuitions, food and boarding expenses for students from farmers' and herdsmen's families in the stage of compulsory education. 8.07 billion yuan was put into Tibet’s education over 30 years.

The education subsidy of Tibet Autonomous Region was 1.52 billion yuan in 2014. Tibet's education has taken on a new look, and all children can now go to school. Besides, the scope of coverage has extended to pre-school education, compulsory education, senior high school education for students in agriculture,  husbandry areas and poverty-stricken downtown areas.

The implementation of education subsidy has greatly attracted more and more Tibetan children from farmer’s and herdsmen's families to go to school and promoted the popularization and advancement of compulsory education in Tibet.

Until now, Tibet has raised education subsidy standard for 14 times. Starting from the autumn semester of this year, the education subsidy is set to 3,000 yuan per student every year, a 10-time rise on the same period of 1985.

30 years has passed by, the scope of education extended continuously. Tibet has realized 15-year free education from the preschool stage to senior middle school. Besides, a complete modern education system was set up in Tibet. 

In 2014, the education subsidy in Tibet has been expanded to 525 thousand students, an increase of 15 times than that of 1985. 

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