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Tibet makes great progress in modernizing education

By Zhu Shan Source:China Tibet News 2018-05-22


Photo shows students from Lhasa Jiangsu experimental middle school are having the class. [Photo/Li Zhou]

China's Tibet Autonomous Region has led to having access to preschool education, nine-year compulsory education and 15-year free education, which marked great progress achieved by Tibet in education. The region has formed a modern vocational education system with the secondary education as its core, integrating formal education with vocational training. 

Currently, there are 2,200 schools of different types, with a total number of 662,420 students and 44,130 faculties. The gross rate of enrollment among preschool children reached 72.5 percent. The net enrollment rate of primary school and high school is 99.5 percent and 80.3 percent respectively. The higher education gross enrollment rate registers 34.3 percent. 

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