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"Hamlet" arrives in Lhasa

By Liu Fang Source:China Tibet News 2021-08-18

In May this year, the graduation performance "Hamlet" of 2017 TibetanClass of Shanghai Theatre Academy's Acting Department was staged in Shangxi Experimental Theatre.

Now, the graduates of the Tibetan class have returned to their hometown and successfully entered the Tibet Autonomous Region Drama Troupe to work.

Director Pu Cunxin and the original production team present the play in Lhasa as a gift back to Tibet, which will be these students’first appearance since they joined the troupe.


19:30, August 3, 2021 (Mandarin)
19:30 August 4, 2021 (Tibetan)

Tibetan Opera Art Center, 27 Beijing West Road, LhasaCity

STAGE PHOTO (Source: STA Performance Center)

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