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Han Yuchen's Tibet-themed works on display in Lhasa

By Zhu Shan Source:China Tibet News 2016年04月13日 17:24

Prominent painter Han Yuchen displayed his oil paintings featuring Tibetan life, religions and work at Tibet's Mass Art Gallery in Lhasa, capital of southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region, on April 11.

The works mainly show Han's expressiveness in portraying Tibetan landscapes and people.


Photo shows that prominent painter Han Yuchen are delivering the speech before the opening of oil paintings exhibition in Lhasa, capital of southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region. [Xinhua/Liu Dongjun]


A total of 55 Tibet-themed oil paintings are exhibited at Tibet's Mass Art Gallery in Lhasa, capital of southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region. [Xinhua/Liu Dongjun]


Photo shows that a visitor is admiring the painting. [Xinhua/Liu Dongjun]

Since 1996, Han has already been to Tibet for nine times in order to collect materials for his paintings. He also held Tibet-themed exhibitions of oil paintings and photography, introducing picturesque scenery of Tibet, Tibetan history and customs to foreigners.

Tshi Dawa, Chief of Literature and Arts Association of Tibet Autonomous Region, said that this exhibition provides a good platform for art exchanges and promotes the communication between Tibetan culture and cultures of China's other provinces.

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