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1st Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship TV Competition held in Lhasa

By Zhi Xinghua Source:China Tibet News 2015年05月05日 15:57

Recently, the 1st Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship TV Competition has been held in Lhasa and 10 youths stand out from the crowd. Juelie and Karma Tsondre Sangpo tie for the first place. Dongzhi Tsering and other two people tie for the second place. Tenzin and other four people tie for the third place.

This competition aims to provide an innovation and entrepreneurship platform for the youth and support the development of excellent innovative projects. By optimizing environment and constructing "youth employment and entrepreneurship base", the youth's innovation and entrepreneurship enthusiasm is stimulated.

The competition system includes preliminary assessment, semi-final and TV final. 10 competitors are chosen to take part in the TV final. As for projects that enter into the final round, they will be rewarded with venture capital. The maximum amount is not higher than 150,000 yuan RMB and the minimum amount is not less than 50,000 yuan RMB.

Juelie is disabled and he is honored as "wheelchair dream catcher". He said that he will help more disabled people realize self-reliance and self-improvement with the venture capital.

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