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Tibet enhances allowance standard of intangible cultural heritage inheritors

By Zhi Xinghua Source:China Tibet News 2016年08月28日 10:17

Recently, the allowance standard of autonomous region level intangible cultural heritage inheritors has been enhanced from 5000 yuan to 10000 yuan per person per year.

Units at all level should strictly implement relative policies so as to make sure that allowance be granted timely and earmark the fund for its specified purpose only. In addition, this measure aims to further stimulate inheritor's sense of honor and pride,arouse their enthusiasm and self-consciousness to pass on technical skills to apprentices, and make a contribution to carrying forward Tibet's excellent traditional culture.

The improvement of allowance standard will give full play to the inheritors' core function in the heritage protection work, effectively solve problems that some inheritors facing during inheritance activities, play a positive role in correctly leading the whole society to attach importance to the inheritance work.

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